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Shopliftings have an increasingly huge impact on retailers’ financials.  According to many research studies and surveys, shop thefts lead to higher inventory costs, lost sales, and tighter margins.      

Electronic Article Surveillance (EAS) technology has been a proven success to help retailers to combat against shop thefts. There are many security products offered in the market to protect merchandise from shoplifters.        

We manufacture and distribute high quality electronic article surveillance products. We have a wide product range that are compatible with any retail applications.  Our products include security hard tags, digital deactivators, deactivatable soft labels, safers, lanyards, detachers, etc.  They are effective loss prevention solutions to various retail businesses.

Our business objectives are to offer effective security solutions to retail shops and help them to reduce financial losses from shopliftings.  We believe that by combating shop thefts it will create a pleasant shopping environment to shoppers.

Tel : +44 (0)20 3239 8238

Fax : +44 (0)87 0429 2738

skype :artwideuk